We at Meiko Europe nv would like to inform you that we respect your privacy. We acknowledge the trust you have given us and we are aware of the fact that you want us to handle your personal data responsibly.
Meiko Europe nv was given your personal data because you wanted to use our services or you gave them voluntary. We will only use the data for the purposes stated in the consent procedure and within the scope of Meiko.
Data processing
The data which is processed by Meiko Europe nv is required to fulfill the agreement or to comply with the legal standards.
Such data, which are necessary to provide you with our services, may include but are not limited to:
- Contact information (physical address, …)
- Names, email addresses and telephone numbers from Meiko’s personnel and contracting parties.
- Tax-identification number and other fiscal details.
- Payment information and financial information (such as bank addresses, account numbers …)
- Other personal information that may be provided to us to obtain our services.
Please ensure that all data you provide us with is really necessary for our services . In particular when you are providing us with data relating to a third person.
When we provide services in relation to transport or forwarding business, we may obtain physical location data. This includes data identifying the actual location of a physical address. (GPS, images …)
We are obliged to hand over part of the (shipment) data to the authorities of the country of transit or destination. (tax clearance, security screening, fiscal obligations…)
We try to be as open and transparent as we can be in terms of giving you access to your personal data. You are entitled to be aware of and be able to check the lawfulness of any processing of personal data relating to you.
Processing these data is in accordance with the new European Directive, the GDPR, also known as the AVG (Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming).
More information about the new European Directive can be found at the address below:
Keeping track of information
As a result of a legal framework, Meiko Europe nv does not store your personal data longer than strictly necessary and / or legally required to realize the purpose for which your data is collected. Therefore we refer to the terms of keeping track by a local authorized office (VAT office, customs office, social inspection office …)
Data security
Meiko Europe nv has taken technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data against loss, theft or leaking to unauthorized people. These measurements are in accordance with the nature of the data and are compliant with Art. 32ff. of the EU Gereral Data Protection Regulation.
The risk of accidental theft, loss or unauthorized access, is reduced to a strict minimum. Unfortunately, reducing the risk to zero is an utopia. To ensure we reduce the risk to the minimum, Meiko made engagements with professional (IT) partners towards the protection of its customer’s data. If, however, unauthorized access is obtained, Meiko will take any possible measurement to reduce the damage to a minimum. If such situation of ‘data breaches’ occur, we recommend you to notify Meiko and the Privacy Commision/CBPL (commissie voor de bescherming van de persoonlijke levenssfeer) within 72h.
Third-party access to your personal data
Meiko Europe is providing your personal data only to other parties who process data on behalf of us and who are contractually and legally obliged to comply with applicable data protection standards. Therefore Meiko will check if given information is accurate and only pass the required info to these parties. We are committed to review these contracts and agreements on regular base. In this context, we want to provide our customer with the best possible service and security.
When you notice that information has been shared without your consent, you can let us know, by sending an email to:
Parties who are processing data on behalf of Meiko are obliged to comply with the new standards in a ‘Data Processing Contract’ , in which we stipulate the security measurements they need to take.
If you use our website, general data could be used and kept on your computer (so-called ‘cookies’).
The cookies are used to facilitate and improve the use of our website. During your visit it is possible your IP address and time of consult are kept to ensure the good use of our website. Data stored in permanent cookies will only be used by us for this specific purpose. If you do not want cookies to be stored on your computer, you can change your browser settings. Cookies already stored on your computer can be removed by deleting temporary files. We ensure you that the information is encrypted as good as possible. By encrypting we want to ensure the security of the data and anonymize most information as well. If you notify other cookies which differ from usual used cookies, we would appreciate it if you could let us know. We will act against it accordingly.
Deletion and blocking of personal data
You have the legal and personal ‘right of erasure’ which is also known as the ‘right to be forgotten’. Unless we have legal obligations against the competent authorities, we will block or delete the personal data at first request. We’ll delete your personal data if the services of Meiko Europe nv are no longer required, or if applicable data protection rules require us to delete your personal data. We will process your request as soon as possible, within 4 weeks after receipt at the latest.
Given permission to access your personal data can be withdrawn at any moment.
Contact or complaints
For all questions, remarks or complaints in relation to the process of your personal data you can contact us at:
Meiko Europe nv
Att. Human resources
Schouwkensstraat 6
2030 Antwerpen
If you believe Meiko Europe is not acting as stipulated in the new GDPR regulations, you may send your complaint to the Privacy Commission of Belgium: